Light Work Studio

Light Work Studio


Mimi Duffy Maher

Artist, Writer, Lightwoker.

Artist, Writer, Lightwoker.


Mimi Duffy Maher, that's me. I grew up in New Jersey, third of seven, and I have 6…his, mine and ours! 3 Bigs and 3 Littles. In 2020 I moved with my husband Basil and the Littles to Sedona, Arizona. A BFA art major in college, I’ve always painted anything clients would commission me to paint. Going through a certificate program in computer graphics at the local community college, I went through the computer age with free lance graphic design and art direction for a publishing company. Not at all romanced by the corporate life, I decided color consultaion and decorative interior painting might be an avenue to try, while supplemementing my income with commissioned paintings. I'd do anything related to art to piece together a living! Does this sound like a lot of artists? Well…now the expression Art for Art’s sake means something to me.

Words have gotten me through some dark times. I’ve sorted things out, I’ve spelled things out, I've spit things out…I have accomplished much with words. 

Combining the two seems natural, so I created Light Work Studio. Light can be applied to my Art, my Writing, and my Spiritual Path…all significant in my Life. Thanks for taking the time.